Maximize Profitability, Minimize Cash Flow Hassles

Cashbucket speeds up the creation of clear cash flow forecasts, quickly producing reports that financial managers and owners can use to keep projects on budget and drive your construction business forward.

Construction manager checking project cash flow on tablet

Make better decisions​​

Effortlessly integrate decisions and scenarios into your construction company’s model. For instance, you can plan for hiring a project manager with a $120K salary in two months or seeing the impact of a delayed payment. Identify areas within your construction operations that can be efficiently scaled back during cash flow constraints.

Financial control

Receive timely feedback

Enhance the speed at which issues are detected, narrowing the gap from monthly or quarterly to daily monitoring within your construction operations. Quickly pinpoint discrepancies between actual and expected figures, such as understanding why we are off by $60K this week or month.

Improve collaboration

Get finance and business speaking the same language

Have a model that can sit in between both the company and the accountant and be used by both without breaking. Make changes to the accounting in a way that makes sense to the business.


Instantly create detailed forecasts

Streamline your construction business finances with a straightforward model that aligns your financials with your daily operations. Say goodbye to confusing accounting terminology and unfamiliar formats. Create a financial model that follows industry best practices without the need to start from scratch.

Start Your Cash Flow Transformation

Our live demo is fully functioning and doesn’t expire. Setup with a user account and test drive Cashbucket with preloaded sample data.

About Us

Whilst running a previous business, the founders of cashbucket did what everyone else does, they ran their financial models, expenses, and revenue forecasts in Excel. However, as the company grew, so too did the complexity of these spreadsheets leading to a large amount of manual effort, errors, and a lack of clarity. They developed cashbucket to ensure companies are able to thrive and not fail due to financial complexity.
© 2023 Cashbucket