

Making a decision

Business founders are constantly required to make decisions that impact their business and which require sufficient information in order to form an answer. Cashbucket allows you to interrogate your finances to help make better decisions for your business. Questions like “can i hire another staff member?” or “what is the impact of losing a core customer?” can be answered relatively quickly once all the appropriate pieces are in place. Follow these steps in order to make better decisions

  1. Click on “decisions” from the nav bar.
  2. Select the decision you want to make e.g. Hire a new staff member.
  3. Select the start date you want the decision to take effect from.
  4. Click “Re-generate forecast”. The alternative scenario is generated.
  5. Review the graph and the metrics to see how your cash balance is impacted, the balance versus the desired cash buffer and impact to all of your metrics (burn, min balance and min balance date).